
Essential Household Items: A Guide to Living in English

2024年05月02日 AG尊龙凯时


1. Furniture(家具)

Essential Household Items: A Guide to Living in English - AG尊龙凯时

In your new English-speaking home, you will need various types of furniture to make it comfortable and functional. Here are some common furniture items and their English translations:

- Bed (床)

- Sofa (沙发)

- Dining table (餐桌)

- Chairs (椅子)

- Wardrobe (衣柜)

- Desk (写字台)

- Bookshelf (书架)

2. Appliances(家电)

Modern households rely heavily on appliances to aid in daily tasks. Here are some frequently used appliances and their English names:

- Refrigerator (冰箱)

- Washing machine (洗衣机)

- TV (电视)

- Microwave (微波炉)

- Oven (烤箱)

- Coffee maker (咖啡机)

- Vacuum cleaner (吸尘器)

3. Kitchen Utensils(厨房用具)

Cooking and preparing meals require a range of kitchen utensils. Here are some must-have kitchen items and their English terms:

- Knife (刀)

- Cutting board (砧板)

- Frying pan (煎锅)

- Pot (锅)

- Spatula (铲子)

- Mixing bowl (搅拌碗)

- Measuring cup (量杯)

- Colander (滤网)

4. Bathroom Supplies(浴室用品)

Personal hygiene is important, and having the essential items in your bathroom is crucial. Here are some commonly used bathroom supplies in English:

- Towel (毛巾)

- Toothbrush (牙刷)

- Toothpaste (牙膏)

- Shampoo (洗发水)

- Soap (肥皂)

- Toilet paper (卫生纸)

- Shower gel (沐浴露)

5. Cleaning Tools(清洁工具)

To keep your living space clean and tidy, you will need some cleaning tools. Here are a few essential items and their English translations:

- Broom (扫帚)

- Dustpan (簸箕)

- Mop (拖把)

- Bucket (桶)

- Sponge (海绵)

- Cleaning cloth (清洁布)

- Detergent (洗涤剂)


上一篇:创意改变生活,生活用品小发明让生活更便利 下一篇:为孩子打造安全舒适的生活环境——关注儿童生活用品